SLU together with the Linnaean center for Plant biology in Uppsala offered various activities about plants for both kids and adults under FoPD 2022


In Uppsala, Fascination of Plants Day 2022 was celebrated in conjunction with the birthday of Linnaeus in the beautiful Linnaeus garden in the city centre. About 6000 visitors took part in an extensive program ranging from dance exhibitions with clothes from the 18th century to tours around the garden with a guide acting as Linnaeus.

The Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) together with the Linnaean Centre for Plant biology in Uppsala were present at the event where they offered various activities about plants. The experiment stations for both kids and adults, staffed by researchers, were very popular.

There were stations where visitors could look at plant parts through microscope, curl dandelion stems, colour white anemones, plant seeds, extract DNA from fruit, learn about mykorrhiza through playing with candy and more. All in all it was a very successful event that inspired a large crowd in different ages to learn more about how fascinating plants are.