It’s Fascination of Plants Day today, 18th May 2019


Fascination of Plants Day 2019 kicks off today. Check out all the amazing events across the world on our Country pages and enjoy today’s events!


Let us also congratulate the events that have already taken place, such as the The Conference of Doctoral Students “Science Behind Plant Wellbeing” event which took place at the Lithuanian Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry (LAMMC) on 15th May 2019.

The conference was started with the speech of director of LAMMC Dr. Gintaras Brazauskas. Almost 50 PhD students of LAMMC from various countries (Lithuania, Ukraine, Egypt, Syria, Nigeria) participated in the conference. They were presented their research about plants. Participants were able to elect the best presentations from two sections (section of 1st and 2nd year PhD students and section of 3rd and 4th year PhD students).

The authors of the best presentations were:

1st section: Dorotėja Vaitiekūnaitė (Identification of endophytic microorganisms in the tissue cultures of genetically different long-lived oak trees (Quercus robur) and analysis of their interaction), Renaldas Ruzgas (The impact of crop management on the qualitative and quantitative values of phytocannabinoids and other constituents of industrial hemp (Cannabis sativa L.), Modupe Olufemi Doyeni (The influence of digestate fertilization on the biomass productivity and quality of energy crops and on the composition of soil microorganizms).

2nd section: Benas Šilinskas (Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) and Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) wood properties dependence on growth conditions and stand management), Mohammad Almogdad (Insect pest species diversity, severity and control in faba bean crop (Vicia faba Linn.) and Olakunle Kelvin Akinroluyo (Effect of ploidy level on plant stress response).

This conference was a great way to demonstrate research results, get to know colleagues’ works and collect valuable knowledge about plant science.

The Lithuanian Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry strategic objective is to conduct R&D in the fields of agronomy, forestry, as well as related fields of ecology and environmental sciences, biology, biophysics, botany and zoology. Since 1st March 2019, The Lithuanian Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry is a member of the European Plant Science Organization (EPSO).


Congratulations to LAMMC on their successful Fascination of Plants Day event. We look forward to soon reporting the successes of all events worldwide in our Success Stories publication, so send us you photos and success stories to