Fascination of Plants Day continues right through to the end of November 📨here are more Fascination of Plants Day events planned for June


📌 Check the country pages for further details:

🌿 1 June: Mowing in Šariš, Slovakia: the Slovak league in mowing the grass with a hand scythe, & on 8 June: Mowing under the Black Mountain, & on 9 June Master of Upper Sariš, & on 22 June: Sharp scythe in Ostrý Grúň, & 29 June mowing the meadow under Zbojnícky castle

🍊 2 June: Nérolium fête ses 100 ans, France: The Cooperative Nérolium is marking 120 years by inviting you to discover citrus fruits specifically oranges, the star of the Côte d’Azur and  savour the expertise of local artisans. Join one of the workshops and conferences

🌵31 May to 2 June: Fascination of succulent plants – Teréz Nemesné Szentirmai memorial exhibition. The 2024 spring exhibition of the Hungarian Cactus Society, national organisation that brings together the culture, education and research of succulent and drought-tolerant plants, among others cacti in Hungary, focuses on the culture of succulent plants and diversity of the species: among others leaf and stem succulents, and caudiciform plants. The event will be held in the Botanical Garden of Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest.

🏥 2 June: Open Day – Medicinal Plant Garden at TU Braunschweig, Germany. Visitors can gain an overview of the medicinal, poisonous and aromatic plants that are native to our region and can be cultivated here. Institute staff offer guided garden tours with insights into the origins, effects and uses of medicinal plants.

🎯3 June: BotaniGrafia – Field game for groups, Poland. There are botanical curiosities in Kortowo that you may not have noticed before. Try your hand at finding all the points on the prepared map. You will receive a reward for finding the location and solving the tasks. Remember, you’ll need to assemble your team before heading out!

👩‍🌾30 May to 3 June: Irish Tree Explorers Network at Board Bia Bloom, Ireland. This spectacular gardening event is a great coming together for garden designers, flower growers, landscapers, plantaholics, garden-furniture makers, food fanatics and anyone who loves to garden.

🌿4 June: Fascination of Rapeseed, Italy.

🌳 5 June: Discovering trees in the Montpellier Flower Garden, France

🌱 5 June: Climate change and its consequences for nature, cultivated land and gardens, Switzerland

🧑‍🏫6 June: Plants of the Slowinski National Park in the context of botanical legends, Poland: Lecture as part of the 7th conference of the National Scientific Conference – fairy tales and fables as a subject of interdisciplinary scientific research.

👩‍🎓3-7 June: study week agricultural sciences, Switzerland: brings together secondary school students with researchers to work on an agricultural project.

🌲7 June: A world of dry sand forests in Bugac, Hungary

🖼️Until 7 June: Flowers of Paradise, Austria. Art exhibition.

📽️7 June: CinemaAmbiente Festival 2024 – Screening of the documentary Fungi: web of life, Italy

🍄8 June: Mushroom and herb knowledge tour, Hungary

🎓8 June: Open day at the Julius Kühn Institute (JKI) in Quedlinburg, Germany. The JKI will once again open its doors at its headquarters in Quedlinburg and invites visitors to explore the extensive institute grounds on the Moorberg with its office and laboratory building, greenhouse complex and the adjacent experimental areas and to take a look behind the scenes of the Federal Research Institute for Cultivated Plants. The hands-on stations, themed tours at fixed times and entertaining presentations are aimed at visitors of all ages and specialist backgrounds. We explain how we set up experiments, which methods we use and why digitalization plays an important role in adapting plants to the challenges of climate change.

🏵️Until 14 June: Flourish: Cacti& Succulent exhibit, Ireland: addressing ‘plant blindness’ via an exhibition.

🐝Until 14 June: The Buzzing World of Pollinators – 2024 edition, Canada. Pollinators such as bees, bats, birds, butterflies, and beetles do us an invaluable service. They are just as important as the warmth of the sunlight, the nutrients in the soil, and the purity of the water, for they help to pollinate over 75% of the world’s flowering plants! Learn to identify different native pollinators and plants. Get tips for planting a pollinator-friendly garden, do arts, play games and much more.

📷15 June: What are plants hiding from us? Czech Republic. Exhibition of photographs of plant tissues taken by light microscopy. Not only the light field was used, but also fluorescence imaging, which provides additional information in the analysis.

🏞️15 June: Guided tours in the Gödöllői ARBO-PARK, Hungary.

🪻17 June: ARC Centre of Excellence for Plant Success Symposium, Australia. Hear from invited speakers and Centre members on their research and discuss opportunities for collaboration. Topics will include genomic prediction for varied environments, phylogenetic comparative analysis, advanced water status measurements for field and lab, and how the Nagoya protocol affects plant research in Australia.

👩‍🎨Until 18 June: Nature and art exhibition, Finland. Explore the Viikki Arboretum where QR codes lead you to discover exciting research conducted by researchers.

🪴5-23 June: Laurissilva- a living fossil, Portugal

🌺24 June: Green Amazon: “The hidden charm of Amazonian plants – Universidad Regional Amazónica Ikiam, Ecuador.

🌇27 June: NACHTAKTIV – Plant Love, Switzerland. An evening of entertainment in the botanic garden at the University of Zurich.

🌸Until 30 June: Plants of the Wielkopolska National Park, Poland.

🌼Until 30 June: Plants and Mankind, France. Interactive visit for students.

🦋Until 30 June: Live Tropical Butterflies Exhibition, Slovakia. Visitors will have the opportunity to experience the tropical jungle and get to know not only rare species of tropical butterflies, but above all different types of tropical plants, among them epiphytic species (bromeliads, orchids, ferns), vanilla, sugar cane, star fruit (also called carambola) and many aroid plants (philodendrons, monstera, etc.).