

National Coordinators
Maruša Pompe Novak
National Institute of Biology, Department of Biotechnology and Systems Biology, Ljubljana
Dan očarljivih rastlin

Od leta 2012 pod okriljem Evropske organizacije za znanosti o rastlinah (European Plant Science Organisation, EPSO) vsako drugo leto po vsem svetu poteka mednarodni Dan očarljivih rastlin (Fascination of Plants Day). V Sloveniji pa so zaradi lažjega načrtovanja dejavnosti dogodki vsakoletni.

Cilj Dneva očarljivih rastlin je navdušiti čim več ljudi za rastline ter povečati zavedanje o pomenu znanosti o rastlinah za agronomijo in trajnostno pridelavo zdrave hrane, kot tudi za gozdarstvo, vrtnarstvo in proizvodnjo ne prehranskih proizvodov, kot so zdravila, les, papir, kemikalije in energija, ter za ohranjanje narave.


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Events organized in 2021
May 18
May 18
free entrance to Alpine botanical garden Juliana
free entrance to Alpine botanical garden Juliana
May 18
May 18
Presentation of the Book Fascinating Experiments with Plants
Presentation of the Book Fascinating Experiments with Plants

A children book entitled Fascinated experiments with plants ( comprises 25 most successful experiments from the previous FoPDs. Each experiment has a short introduction, followed with a detailed instruction how to execute the experiment. All experiments are accompanied with lovely comic characters of a cactus (girl character) and fig tree (boy character), who performed the experiments and are drawn by a famous Slovenian illustrator. The experiments are also videotaped. On videotapes the experiments are performed by a scientist and by a kid at home. The QR code to videotaped experiments is provided next to the text of each experiment.

May 18
May 18
Lecture Fascinating Plants by prof. dr. Marina Dermastia
Lecture Fascinating Plants by prof. dr. Marina Dermastia

Plants – hundreds of millions of years of independent life on Earth, tens of millions of years of living together with pollinators, ten thousand years in the service of man, two thousand years of discovering their charm. Only a few decades have passed since the realization that plants are not only the background of the animal world, but have an interesting private life and are even very similar to us in their responses to the internal and external environment. All these and many other fascinating secrets of plants will be revealed to you in a 60-minute lecture free online lecture by dr. Marina Dermastia.