

National Coordinators
Maruša Pompe Novak
National Institute of Biology, Department of Biotechnology and Systems Biology, Ljubljana
Dan očarljivih rastlin

Od leta 2012 pod okriljem Evropske organizacije za znanosti o rastlinah (European Plant Science Organisation, EPSO) vsako drugo leto po vsem svetu poteka mednarodni Dan očarljivih rastlin (Fascination of Plants Day). V Sloveniji pa so zaradi lažjega načrtovanja dejavnosti dogodki vsakoletni.

Cilj Dneva očarljivih rastlin je navdušiti čim več ljudi za rastline ter povečati zavedanje o pomenu znanosti o rastlinah za agronomijo in trajnostno pridelavo zdrave hrane, kot tudi za gozdarstvo, vrtnarstvo in proizvodnjo ne prehranskih proizvodov, kot so zdravila, les, papir, kemikalije in energija, ter za ohranjanje narave.


Dobrodošli, da se nam pridružite!

Events organized in 2019
May 25
May 25
Let’s go smell flowers
Gremo duhat rožice
Muzejska 1, Ljubljana

Otroci bodo na delavnici spoznali nekaj najpogostejših travniških cvetlic in izvedeli prenekatero uporabno zanimivost o njih. Z rožnimi vzorci bodo okrasili nakupovalne vrečke.

Otroci od 5 do 12 let, mlajši v spremstvu odraslega.


At the workshop children will learn some common meadow flowers and get to know several useful facts about them. With flower patterns they will decorate shopping bags.

Children from 5 to 12 years, younger accompanied by an adult.

Prirodoslovni muzej Slovenije
Slovenian Museum of Natural History
Vstopnina/admission fee: 5 EUR
May 24
May 24
Triticale – two-in-one cereal
Tritikala – dve žiti v enem
Biološko središče, Večna pot 111, Ljubljana
handsonactivities presentation

Na stojnici bomo na interaktiven način prikazali raznovrstnost semen/plodov različnih kmetijskih rastlin, posebej zrnja žit. Osvetlili bomo, da se lahko po izgledu podobno zrnje različnih vrst, križancev in sort pomembno razlikuje v biokemičnih lastnostih, pomembnih za uporabo. Pri tem bomo posebej opozorili na lastnosti pšenice in rži, ter njunega križanca tritikale, s katero se je ukvarjal tudi slovenski botanik Fran Jesenko.


Diversity of seeds/fruits of agricultural plants, especially cereal grains, will be interactively presented. We will highlight that the biochemical composition of grains with similar morphology can substantially differ. The properties of wheat, rye and their hybrid triticale, which was breeded by slovenian botanist Fran Jesenko, will be exposed.

Oddelek za agronomijo Biotehniške fakultete Univerze v Ljubljani
University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty, Department of Agronomy
May 24
May 24
About the role of turgor in plants
O pomenu turgorja za delovanje rastlin
Biološko središče, Večna pot 111, Ljubljana
handsonactivities presentation

Za rastlinske celice je značilen turgor, tlak, ki celično membrano pritiska ob celično steno. Povezan je z vsebnostjo vode, pa tudi z vsebnostjo topljencev. Pri zelnatih rastlinah se nezadosten turgor odraža v venenju. Zmanjšanje turgorja pa vpliva tudi na druge procese v rastlinah.


Turgor pressure is the force within the cell that pushes the plasma membrane against the cell wall. It is related with cell water content, but depends also on solute concentration. In herbaceous plants the turgor loss is manifested in wilting. A decrease of turgor, however, influences many other processes in plants.

Oddelek za agronomijo Biotehniške fakultete Univerze v Ljubljani
University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty, Department of Agronomy
May 24
May 24
What are the mechanisms of water transport in plants?
Kako poteka transport vode po rastlini?
Biološko središče, Večna pot 111, Ljubljana
handsonactivities presentation

Posebej pri visokih rastlinah, drevesih, predstavlja dvig vode iz korenin v najvišje dele za rastlino zahtevno nalogo. Kakšne sile so potrebne za ta transport in kakšne morajo biti strukturne prilagoditve rastlinskih tkiv, da je prevajanje vode učinkovito?


In tall plants, especially trees, the transport of water to the leaves represents a challange. What are the forces needed for the ascent of sap? What are the structural adaptations of conductive tissues which enable efficient water transport?

Oddelek za agronomijo Biotehniške fakultete Univerze v Ljubljani
University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty, Department of Agronomy
May 24
May 24
Energy and nutrients from plant food
Energija in hranila iz rastlinskih živil
Biološko središče, Večna pot 111, Ljubljana
handsonactivities presentation

Rastlinske surovine predstavljajo najpomembnejši vir energije in osnovnih hranil za prehrano človeštva. Iz njih z različnimi tehnološkimi procesi proizvajamo živila. Osnovne skupine hranil kot so ogljikovi hidrati, maščobe in beljakovine so v rastlinskih živilih zastopane v različnih razmerjih.


Plant raw materials represent the most important source of energy and basic nutrients for human nutrition. Food products are prepared with different technological processes. Basic nutrient groups such as carbohydrates, fats and proteins are represented in plant foods in different proportions.

Oddelek za živilsko tehnologijo Biotehniške fakultete Univerze v Ljubljani
University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty, Department of Food Science and Technology
May 24
May 24
Plants in garden design
Rastline v načrtovanju vrtov
Biološko središče, Večna pot 111, Ljubljana
handsonactivities presentation

Skupaj z udeleženci bomo načrtovali domišljijske vrtove, pri čemer bomo uporabljali eno najpogostejših predstavitvenih tehnik, ki jih uporabljajo krajinski arhitekti – maketo. Modelirali bomo teren in izbirali vrste rastlin za manjše vrtove.


Together with the participants, we will design imaginary gardens, using one of the most common presentation techniques used by landscape architects – the model. We will design the landscape and choose the types of plants for small private gardens.

Oddelek za krajinsko arhitekturo Biotehniške fakultete Univerze v Ljubljani
Department of landscape architecture, Biotechnical faculty, University of Ljubljana
May 24
May 24
Charming Wood
Očarljivi les
Biološko središče, Večna pot 111, Ljubljana
handsonactivities presentation

Na stojnici bomo obiskovalcem predstavili značilnosti, videz in uporabo različnih domačih in tujih lesnih vrst. Spoznali bodo les invazivnih tujerodnih olesenelih rastlin, ki so bile posekane na območju MOL (projekt Applause). Opazovali bodo les pod mikroskopom in okoli 5000 let star »arheološki les«, najden na Ljubljanskem barju, ter nekaj lesnih škodljivcev, ki pa niso nujno vedno škodljivi in nezaželeni. Predstavili bomo tudi del serije poskusov z lesom – IZkLESAni, ki sta jih zasnovala Oddelek za lesarstvo Biotehniške fakultete in Javna agencija SPIRIT Slovenija.


At the stand, we will present visitors the characteristics, appearance, and use of various domestic and foreign wood species. They will get to know the wood of invasive alien plant species that were cut down in the MOL area (the Applause project). The wood under the microscope and about 5000 years old “archaeological wood” found on the Ljubljansko barje, and some wood pests, which are not necessarily always harmful and undesirable, will be observed. We will also present a part of a series of experiments with wood – IZkLESAni, which were developed by the Department of Wood Science and Technology of the Biotechnical faculty and the Public Agency SPIRIT Slovenia.

Oddelek za lesarstvo, Biotehniška fakulteta, Univerza v Ljubljani
Department of Wood Science and Technology of the Biotechnical faculty
May 24
May 24
The biggest green charmers – trees
Največji zeleni očarljivci - drevesa
Biološko središče, Večna pot 111, Ljubljana
handsonactivities presentation

Spoznali bomo največje zelene očarljivce – drevesa. Z vsemi čutili bomo v zanimivem kvizu ugotavljali kako zelo raznolik in pisan je svet dreves.


The world of trees is very diverse and colorful and we will dive into this world with all our senses.

Oddelek za gozdarstvo in obnovljive gozdne vire Biotehniške fakultete Univerze v Ljubljani
University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty, Department of Forestry and Renewable Forest Resources
May 24
May 24
View in plant structure
Pogled v zgradbo rastlin
Biološko središče, Večna pot 111, Ljubljana
handsonactivities presentation

Pogled v mikroskop bo udeležencem delavnice razkril, kako so rastline zgrajene in kje se pretakajo njihovi sokovi. Preko aktivnosti na delavnici bodo udeleženci razumeli uporabno vrednost rastlin in spoznali, da je pogled v rastline pogled v osnovne zakonitosti življenja. Z opazovanjem različne zgradbe rastline bomo udeležence spodbujali k razmišljanju, kako različna zgradba pomaga rastlinam pri prilaganju na različne okoljske dejavnike in tako pomaga rastlinam preživeti.


The view in the microscope will reveal to the workshop participants how the plants are built and where their juices are streamed. Through activity at the workshop, participants will understand the useful value of the plant and realize that the view in the plants is a glimpse of the basic legality of life. By observing the various buildings of the plant, we will encourage participants to think about how the different structure helps plants to attach to different environmental factors and thus help the plants survive.

Oddelek za biologijo Biotehniške fakultete Univerze v Ljubljani
University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty, Department of Biology
May 24
May 24
Plant-Microbe symbiosis
Sožitje rastlin in mikrobov
Biološko središče, Večna pot 111, Ljubljana
handsonactivities presentation

Obiskovalcem bomo predstavili glive in bakterije, ki živijo v sožitju z rastlinami in jim pomagajo pri preskrbi z vodo in mineralnimi hranili. Obiskovalci si bodo lahko pod lupo in mikroskopom ogledali glive v koreninah rastlin (ektomikorizno in endomikorizno sožitje) in sožitje z bakterijami, ki fiksirajo zračni dušik. Ogledali si bodo lahko tudi rastline z razvitimi simptomi pomanjkanja fosforja in dušika in jih primerjali z rastlinami z razvito simbiozo. Pod lupo si bodo lahko ogledali tudi ektomikorizne glive vzgojene v tkivnih kulturah.


We will present selected fungi and bacteria that live in symbiosis with plants and help them to supply water and mineral nutrients. Visitors will observe fungi (ecto-mycorrhiza and endo-mycorrhiza) and nitrogen fixing bacteria in the roots of plants under the (stereo) microscope. Plants with developed symptoms of phosphorus and nitrogen deficiency will be presented together with plants with developed symbioses. Ectomycorrhizal fungi grown in tissue cultures will be also presented.

Oddelek za biologijo Biotehniške fakultete Univerze v Ljubljani
University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty, Department of Biology
May 24
May 24
Life in a plastic bottle
Življenje v plastenki
Biološko središče, Večna pot 111, Ljubljana
handsonactivities presentation

Ali sploh poznamo naš ekosistem? Kaj sploh je to? Skupaj bomo ustvarili svoj ekosistem in spoznali, kako deluje. Novo znanje bomo uporabili in posejali novo rastlinico.


Do we even know our ecosystem? What is that, actually? Together we will create our own ecosystem and learn how it works. We will use new knowledge and sow a new plantling.

Oddelek za biologijo Biotehniške fakultete Univerze v Ljubljani
University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty, Department of Biology
May 24
May 24
Aunt Pehta’s tea party
Čajanka tete Pehte
Biološko središče, Večna pot 111, Ljubljana
handsonactivities presentation

Si želite preizkusiti čaje tete Pehte? Potem se nam pridružite na čajanki, pri kateri se bomo vživeli v njeno vlogo in spoznali različna zelišča za pripravo čajev. Primerjali jih bomo s tistimi, kupljenimi v trgovini in si skuhali svojega po lastni izbiri.


Would you like to taste your aunt Pehta’s tea? Then join us for a tea party, where we will live in her role and learn about the various herbs for the preparation of tea. We will compare them with those purchased at the store and prepare one of our own choice.

Oddelek za biologijo Biotehniške fakultete Univerze v Ljubljani
University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty, Department of Biology
May 24
May 24
Flavours of Nature
Okusi narave
Biološko središče, Večna pot 111, Ljubljana
handsonactivities presentation

Ali ste žejni? Če se takoj prijavite na našo stojnico, imamo za vas rešitev! Preizkušali bomo meje svojih brbončic in ugotavljali, kateri okusi so v različnih napitkih. S kvizom bomo spoznavali zanimivosti o rastlinah, iz katerih so narejeni sirupi.


Are you thirsty? If you immediately sign up to our booth, we have a solution for you! We will test the boundaries of our taste buds and determine which flavors are in different beverages. Through the quiz, we will learn about interesting things about plants from which syrups are made.

Oddelek za biologijo Biotehniške fakultete Univerze v Ljubljani
University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty, Department of Biology
May 24
May 24
Carnivorous plants
Mesojede rastline
Biološko središče, Večna pot 111, Ljubljana
handsonactivities presentation

Veliko rastlin je v evoluciji razvilo različne strukture za privabljanje živali. Od barvitih in dišečih cvetov, ki privabljajo žuželke, da jih oprašijo, do barvitih in sočnih plodov, ki privabljajo živali, da raznesejo semena. Zakaj pa bi rastline potrebovale liste, ki imajo lepljive izločke ali pa vrčke polne tekočine?


Through evolution, many plants have developed different structures to attract animals. From colorful and fragrant flowers that attract insects to pollinate them to colorful and juicy fruits that attract animals to spread the seeds. But why should plants need sticky leaves or leaves with pitchers full of fluids?

Oddelek za biologijo Biotehniške fakultete Univerze v Ljubljani
University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty, Department of Biology
May 24
May 24
The wonderful world of essential oils
Dišeči svet eteričnih olj
Biološko središče, Večna pot 111, Ljubljana
handsonactivities presentation

Učenci se bodo najprej spoznali z različnimi eteričnimi olji, nato pa bodo ocenjevali njihov vonj in jih poskusili povezati z različnimi kozmetičnimi izdelki. Na koncu bodo izpolnili kratek vprašalnik, v katerem bodo podali svoje mnenje o teh eteričnih oljih.


Students will first be introduced to essential oils. Then they will evaluate their smell and try to link them to various cosmetic products. At the end, they will fill in a short questionnaire to give their opinions on these essential oils.

Fakulteta za farmacijo Univerze v Ljubljani
University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Pharmacy
May 24
May 24
Mulberries – living monuments of sericulture
Murve – živi spomeniki svilogojstva
Biološko središče, Večna pot 111, Ljubljana
handsonactivities presentation

Murve so danes številnim ljudem neznane, medtem ko se starejši prebivalci nekdanjih svilogojskih regij spominjajo obiranja plodov in žetve listov za krmo sviloprejkam. Le-te se namreč hranijo izključno z listi bele murve. Svila, ki se pridobiva iz kokonov sviloprejke, je bila v avstro-ogrski monarhiji cenjeno naravno vlakno. Večstoletne murve, ki so se ohranile v Sloveniji so živi spomeniki nekdaj aktivnega svilogojstva. Na stojnici bomo predstavili razširjenost, sistematiko in potencial uporabe murv. Predstavili bomo načine pridelave murv, žetev listov, izleganje jajčec in razvoj gosenic sviloprejk do svilenih zapredkov. Ta veličastna drevesa rodijo sladke bele, rožnate ali črne sadeže, ki po videzu spominjajo na robide, in se jih da predelat v marmelade, sokove in žganje. Na stojnici bodo na ogled sviloprejke, izdelki iz murv in svile kot potencial vsestranske uporabe tega drevesa.


Nowadays, mulberries are unknown to many people, while the older inhabitants of the former sericultural regions remind of the picking mulberry fruits and harvesting leaves for silkworm rearing as they are the silkworms preferred food. Silk was a valued natural fibre in the Austro-Hungarian monarchy. Centuries-old mulberry trees are living monuments of the former sericultural activities. We will present the origin, systematics and potential use of mulberry trees as well as how these mulberry trees are associated with the production of silk thread. Different mulberry production techniques, leaf harvest, and silkworm cycle will be presented from egg hatching up to cocoon development. These magnificent trees bear sweet white, pink or black fruits that remind of blackberries and can be processed into jam, juice and brandy. We will present the silkworms as well as various niche products out of silk and different mulberry parts.

Fakulteta za kmetijstvo in biosistemske vede Univerze v Mariboru
University of Maribor, Faculty of Agriculture and Life Sciences
May 24
May 24
Musical plants
Pojoče rastline
Biološko središče, Večna pot 111, Ljubljana
handsonactivities presentation

Ali ste vedeli, da lahko na nekatere rastline zaigramo kot na glasbilo? Tako je, saj lahko električno energijo pridobivamo tudi iz rastlin. Skupaj bomo sestavili rastlinske baterije in izdelali pojoče limone, na katere bomo lahko tudi zaigrali.


Did you know that some plants can be played as a musical instrument? That’s right, because we can also generate electricity from plants. Together we will combine the plant batteries and make the singing lemons, which we will be able to play.

Fakulteta za računalništvo in informatiko Univerze v Ljubljani
University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Computer and Information Science
May 24
May 24
Where are the plant properties written?
Kje so zapisane lastnosti rastlin?
Biološko središče, Večna pot 111, Ljubljana
handsonactivities presentation

Gen je osnovna materialna enota dedovanja, nosilec dedne lastnosti. Na molekularni ravni je gen del molekule DNK. Na delavnici boste lahko poskusili, kako osamiti rastlinsko DNK in kako določiti njeno količino. Spoznali pa boste tudi način, kako ugotoviti, ali rastlina vsebuje iskani gen in kako močno se le-ta izraža.


A gene is a basic material unit of inheritance, a holder of hereditary properties. At the molecular level, a gene is part of a DNA molecule. At the workshop you will be able to try to isolate the plant DNA and determine its quantity. You will also learn how to determine if a plant contains a specific gene and how much it is expressed.

Oddelek za biotehnologijo in sistemsko biologijo Nacionalnega inštituta za biologijo
National Institute of Biology, Department for Biotechnology and Systems biology
May 24
May 24
Plants and their pollinators
Rastline in njihovi opraševalci
Biološko središče, Večna pot 111, Ljubljana
handsonactivities presentation

Obiskovalci bodo spoznali, kako so med seboj povezani rastline in njihovi opraševalci. S čim rastlina privabi opraševalce, kako rastline obliko cveta prilagodijo specifičnemu opraševalcu (prikazani bodo različni tipi cveta in mehanizmi oprašitve). Spoznali bodo tudi čemu so opraševalci pravzaprav pomembni za rastlino.


Visitors will learn how the plants and their pollinators are interconnected. How a plant attracts pollinators, how plants adapt the form of a flower to a specific pollinator (different types of flower and pollination mechanisms will be shown). They will also learn why the pollinators are really important for the plant.

Botanični vrt Univerze v Ljubljani
University Botanic gardens Ljubljana
May 24
May 24
The scents of plants and insects
Kako dišijo rastline in kako žuželke?
Biološko središče, Večna pot 111, Ljubljana
handsonactivities presentation

Rastline proizvajajo številne hlapne substance, ki imajo različne vloge: privabljajo opraševalce, omogočajo komunikacijo z drugimi rastlinami, odganjajo rastlinojedce in druge škodljivce ali privabljajo naravne sovražnike škodljivcev. Na delavnici bomo predstavili različne rastlinske vonjave in kemijske strukture njihovih glavnih komponent ter jih poskusili iz rastlin izolirati. Predstavili bomo tudi kemijsko sorodne spojine, ki jih sicer proizvajajo žuželke, jih pa vseeno lahko proizvajamo tudi v rastlinah. Gre za žuželčje feromone, ki in jih, kljub temu, da jim ljudje sploh ne zaznamo, lahko koristno uporabimo. Delavnica bo izvedena v okviru ERACoBioTech projekta SUSPHIRE, ki ga v sofinancira MIZŠ.


Plants produce many volatile substances with different biological roles: to attract pollinators, communicate with other plants, repulse herbivores and other pests or to attract their pests’ enemies. With our workshop, we will explore different plant fragrances and the chemical structures of their main components, which we will also try to isolate from plants. Additionally, we will talk about a group of chemically related substances that are synthesized by insects, but can also be produced in plants. They are insect pheromones, which we humans cannot detect, but can still be useful for us. The workshop will be realized within ERACoBioTech project SUSHIRE, cofinanced by MIZŠ (Ministry of Education, Science and Sport).

Oddelek za biotehnologijo in sistemsko biologijo Nacionalnega inštituta za biologijo
National Institute of Biology, Department for Biotechnology and Systems biology
May 24
May 24
How fast does your knowledge about plants grow?
Kako hitro raste tvoje znanje o rastlinah?
Biološko središče, Večna pot 111, Ljubljana
handsonactivities presentation

S sodelovanjem na kvizu boš preveril svoje znanje o rastlinah in ga na zabaven način tudi nadgradil. Vprašanja so različnih težavnosti, pri vsakem pa lahko zveš še kaj novega. Tako kot tvoje znanje o rastlinah, tudi rastline lahko rastejo hitro ali počasi. Izvedel boš, kaj so prednosti hitre in kaj počasne rastli rastlin.


By taking part in the quiz, you will check your knowledge about plants and upgrade it in a fun way. Questions are of different difficulty, but with each of them you can find out something new. Like your knowledge about plants, also plants can grow fast or slow. You will find out what the benefits of fast and slow plant growth are.

Oddelek za biotehnologijo in sistemsko biologijo Nacionalnega inštituta za biologijo
National Institute of Biology, Department for Biotechnology and Systems biology
May 24
May 24
Diversity of pollinators
Pestrost opraševalcev
Biološko središče, Večna pot 111, Ljubljana
handsonactivities presentation

Spoznali boste, kako se med seboj razlikujejo različne skupine opraševalcev. To bomo pokazali z zbirko osebkov divjih opraševalcev, gnezdilnicami za divje čebele in slikovnim gradivom. Prisotni pa bodo imeli možnost ustvariti lastno gnezdilnico iz kartonskih cevk.
Organizira Oddelek za raziskave organizmov in ekosistemov Nacionalnega inštituta za biologijo. Delavnica bo izvedena v okviru projekta Life Naturaviva.


The main differences between pollinators will be presented. Participants will get to know the life of honeybee, bumblebees and solitary bees and the largest Slovenian bee. You will have an opportunity to build your own nests for wild pollinators out of paper tubes.
Organized by National Institute of Biology (project Life Naturaviva)

Oddelek za raziskave organizmov in ekosistemov Nacionalnega inštituta za biologijo
National Institute of Biology, Department of Organisms and Ecosystems Research
May 24
May 24
All different, all important (Trees)
Vsa različna, vsa pomembna (drevesa)
Biološko središče, Večna pot 111, Ljubljana
handsonactivities presentation

Drevesa lahko preživijo na istem mestu več stoletij. Kako je to mogoče in kaj ima pri tem genetska raznolikost?


Trees can live up to several centuries at the same spot. How is this possible and what has genetic diversity to do with this?

Gozdarski inštitut Slovenije
Slovenian Forestry Institute
May 24
May 24
From genetic resources to new crop varieties
Od genskega vira do nove sorte kmetijskih rastlin
Biološko središče, Večna pot 111, Ljubljana
handsonactivities presentation

V genski banki na Kmetijskem inštitutu Slovenije hranimo številne avtohtone in tradicionalne vrste in sorte kmetijskih rastlin, da jih ne bi izgubili in bodo uporabne še za prihodnje rodove.
Predstavili bomo, kako jih hranimo, razmnožujemo, opisujemo in vrednotimo ter za kaj vse jih uporabljamo.


In the gene bank of the Agricultural Institute of Slovenia numerous autochthonous, local varieties and populations of agricultural plants are stored. They present a valuable source for breeding new varieties and are at the same time an important national treasure that should be preserved for future generations. Preservation, regeneration, characterization and different uses of genetic resources will be presented.

Kmetijski inštitut Slovenije
Agricultural Institute of Slovenia
May 24
May 24
Strawberries = sweet = red = ?
Jagode = sladko = rdeče = ?
Biološko središče, Večna pot 111, Ljubljana
handsonactivities presentation

Ko omenimo prvo pomladansko sadje, ki ga vsi komaj čakamo, govorimo seveda o jagodah. Popolnoma dozorele jagode so živo rdeče barve, posute z drobnimi semeni. Ko vanje zagrizemo, se vzbudijo vsi naši čuti. Začutimo sladkobo, ki ji kislina odvzame osladnost, in popolno kombinacijo arom, ki krasno povežejo celoto v slasten okus. Med raznimi sortami in vrstami jagod so lahko velika odstopanja, tako po videzu kot v okusu. Na stojnici Kmetijskega inštituta Slovenije bodo udeleženci lahko ocenjevali lastnosti različnih jagod. Izmerili bomo kako sladke so (refraktometer), opazovali barvo in obliko plodov ter jih seveda poskusili, da bodo vsa čutila potrdila rezultate instrumentalnih meritev.


When we are talking about the first fruit to ripen in spring we are talking about strawberries. Fully matured strawberries are coloured in bright red, covered with tiny seeds and when we taste them, all our senses are buzzing. We feel the sweetness and sourness at the same time and the perfect combination of aroma beautifully connects the whole fruit with a delicious flavour. However, there are great variations between varieties and types of strawberries, both in visual appearance and taste. At the stand of the Agricultural Institute of Slovenia participants will explore the characteristics of various strawberries. We will measure how sweet they are (refractometer), observe the colour and shape of the fruit, and of course let our senses confirm the results of instrumental measurements by tasting them.

Kmetijski inštitut Slovenije
Agricultural Institute of Slovenia
May 24
May 24
Fascinating dry plants
Posušene očarljive rastline
Biološko središče, Večna pot 111, Ljubljana
handsonactivities presentation

Herbarij je zbirka posušenih in sistematično urejenih rastlin, namenjena učenju in raziskovanju. Najstarejše herbarije na Slovenskem hrani Prirodoslovni muzej Slovenije. Na stojnici vam bomo pokazali, kako izdelati svoj herbarij.


A herbarium is a collection of dried and systematically arranged plants intended for learning and research. The oldest herbaria in Slovenia are kept by the Slovenian Museum of Natural History. At the workshop we will show you how to make your own herbarium.

Prirodoslovni muzej Slovenije
Slovenian Museum of Natural History
May 24
May 24
What is a peat bog?
Kaj je šotno barje?
Biološko središče, Večna pot 111, Ljubljana
handsonactivities presentation

Šotna barja so redek in ogrožen ekosistem v Sloveniji. V svoji prvotni podobi jih najdemo le še na območju Jelovice, Pohorja in Pokljuke. Nastala so iz nekdanjih ledeniških jezerc. Na delavnici bomo s pomočjo makete spoznali lastnosti šotnih barij, značilne rastlinske vrste in ekološke posebnosti. Izmerili bomo pH, poskusili barjansko vodo ter občutili mehkobo šotnega mahu.


Peat bogs are rare and endangered ecosystems in Slovenia. It their prestine form we can find them only on Jelovica, Pohorje and Pokljuka. The process of bog creation started after the last glaciation period. On the workshop you will find out about the characteristics of peat bogs, their typical plants and the ecological importance of bogs.

Javni zavod Triglavski narodni park
Triglav National Park Public Institution
May 24
May 24
Invasive alien plants can be useful
Invazivne tujerodne rastline so lahko uporabne
Biološko središče, Večna pot 111, Ljubljana
handsonactivities presentation

Na delavnici bodo udeleženci spoznali tri vrste invazivnih tujerodnih rastlin, ki jih najdemo na območju Mestne občine Ljubljana. Iz teh treh vrst smo v okviru projekta Applause izdelali papir. Udeleženci bodo spoznali metodo ročne izdelave papirja. Delavnica bo izvedena v okviru projekta Applause.


Participants of the workshop will learn about three species of invasive alien plants found within City of Ljubljana. Within project Applause we made paper out of the biomass of these species. Participants will learn about production of handmade paper. Workshop within project Applause.

Oddelek za varstvo okolja Mestne občine Ljubljana, Oddelek za biologijo Biotehniške fakultete Univerze v Ljubljani in Društvo TRAJNA
Department for Environmental Protection, City of Ljubljana,Department of Biology, Biotechnical Faculty, University of Ljubljana and TRAJNA, association for the development of sustainable design
May 24
May 24
Thirsty as peat moss
Žejen kot šotni mah
Biološko središče, Večna pot 111, Ljubljana
handsonactivities presentation

Mahovi so kljub vsesplošni razširjenosti, vrstni pestrosti in ekološki pomembnosti ena izmed najbolj spregledanih rastlinskih skupin. Zato bomo na dnevu očarljivih rastlin predstavili šotne mahove. Ti mahovi lahko vsrkajo zelo velike količine vode, kar jim omogoča preživetje v zelo posebnih okoljih. S tehtanjem bomo ugotovili, koliko vode vpijejo, s pomočjo mikroskopa pa si bomo ogledali, kam se vsa ta voda shrani.


In spite of their widespread distribution, their diversity and ecological importance, mosses are one of the most overlooked plant groups. Therefore, on Fascination of Plants Day, we will present peat mosses. These mosses can absorb very large amounts of water, which allows them to survive in very special environments. By weighing we will find out how much water the plants absorb, and the microscope view will reveal, where in the moss tissue this water is stored.

Botanično društvo Slovenije
Botanical Society of Slovenia
May 24
May 24
Invasive plants
Invazivne rastline
Biološko središče, Večna pot 111, Ljubljana
handsonactivities presentation

Ljudje v svoje okolje prinašamo najrazličnejše rastline, recimo za okras. Včasih se kake tuje vrste v velikem številu in nekontrolirano razširijo. Takim rastlinam rečemo, da so invazivne in lahko močno ogrožajo okolje in naravo. Na naši stojnici boste spoznali invazivne rastline v Sloveniji in njihov negativen učinek na ekosisteme.


People like to bring all kinds of plants into our enviorment, for decoration for example. In some cases these foreign species spread uncontrolably and in great numbers. We call those plants invasive and they can pose a big threat to the neviorment and nature. On our stand you will be able to get to know the invasive plants of Slovenia and their negative affect on ecosystems.

Društvo študentov biologije
Biology Students' Society
May 24
May 24
Green world
Zeleni svet
Biološko središče, Večna pot 111, Ljubljana
handsonactivities presentation

Na svetu uspeva več kot štiristo tisoč različnih rastlin. Koliko bi jih posameznik znal prepoznati? Udeležence prireditve bodo prisotni ob stojnicah popeljali skozi spoznavni zeleni svet različnih zelišč, začimbnic in semen. Slednji bodo na neposreden način prebujali v obiskovalcih zavedanje o vrednosti zelenega sveta in njegovega ohranjanja.


More than four hundred thousand different plants grow in the world. How much could an individual recognize? Participants of the event will be present at the stands along the familiar green world of various herbs, seasonings and seeds. The latter will in a direct way wake up in the visitors’ awareness of the value of the green world and its preservation.

Biotehniški izobraževalni center Ljubljana, Živilska šola
Biotehnical Educational Centre Ljubljana, School of Food Processing
May 24
May 24
Tissue culture for conservation of endangered plant species
Tkivne kulture za zaščito ogroženih rastlinskih vrst
Biološko središče, Večna pot 111, Ljubljana
handsonactivities presentation

Z delavnico želimo predstaviti moderno rastlinsko biotehnologijo in možnosti njene uporabe. Rebrinčevolistna hladnikovka ali hladnikija (Hladnikia plastinacifolia Rchb.) je ledenodobna endemična vrsta in zato zavarovana in situ  in ex situ. Ex situ jo ohranjajo v botaničnem vrtu v Ljubljani v obliki zbirke semen in rastlin. V tkivni kulturi jo ohranjamo tudi na Univerzi v Maribor, kjer razvijamo postopke za dolgoročno hrambo s pomočjo krioprezervacije. Na delavnici boste spoznali, kako lahko to vrsto ohranjamo s pomočjo alginatnih kapsul (inkapsulacije).


The aim of workshoop is to introduce the modern plant biotechnology and possibilities of its usage. Hladnikia plastinacifolia Rchb. is a paleoendemic species protected in situ and ex situ. Botanical garden in Ljubljana takes care for its ex situ as whole plant and seed collection. At the University of Maribor it is protected as tissue culture collection and included in development of protocols for its long-term storage by cryopreservation. At the workshop you will find out, how to preserve this species with the help of alginate beads (encapsulation).

Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za naravoslovje in matematiko, Oddelek za biologijo in Pedagoška fakulteta, Oddelek za razredni pouk
University of Maribor, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Department of Biology and Faculty of Education, Department of Elementary Teacher Education
May 23
May 23
Lecture: Prof. dr. Fran Jesenko in Triticale
Predavanje: Prof. dr. Fran Jesenko in tritikala
Botanični vrt Univerze v Ljubljani, Ižanska cesta 15, 1000 Ljubljana

Predavanje osvetljuje življenje in delo prof. dr. Frana Jesenka, prvega učitelja botanike na Univerzi v Ljubljani. Rastlinski genetik Fran Jesenko je med prvimi na svetu uspešno križal pšenico in rž. Na predavanju bodo predstavljene značilnosti pridobljenega medvrstnega križanca tritikale.


The lecture will highlight the life and work of prof. dr. Fran Jesenko, first professor of botany at University of Ljubljana. Fran Jesenko was a plant geneticist who was among the first in the world to successfully cross wheat and rye. Charactersitics of the obtained interspecies cross – Triticale will be presented.

Botanični vrt Univerze v Ljubljani, Ižanska cesta 15, 1000 Ljubljana
University Botanic gardens Ljubljana, Ižanska cesta 15, 1000 Ljubljana
Predavateljica/Lecturer: Doc. dr. Darja Kocjan Ačko, Univerza v Ljubljani, Biotehniška fakulteta, Oddelek za agronomijo
May 23
May 23
21. Belar Days
21. Belarjevi dnevi
Trenta, zaselek Pri cerkvi

Z Belarjevimi dnevi Triglavski narodni park počasti evropski dan parkov. Udeleženci dogodka si ob Soški poti ogledajo naravne vrednote in kulturno dediščino v dolini. Ena od postaj ob poti je tudi Juliana, kjer Prirodoslovni muzej Slovenije pripravi kratek ogled vrta.


With the Belar Days the Triglav National Park honours the European Day of the Parks. Along the Soča trail the participants get to know the natural and cultural heritage of the Soča valley. One of the stations is also Alpinum Juliana, where the Slovenian Museum of Natural History prepares a short guided garden tour.

Triglavski narodni park v sodelovanju s Prirodoslovnim muzejem Slovenije
Triglav National Park and Slovenian Museum of Natural History
May 18
May 18
Free admission to the Slovenian Museum of Natural History
Prost vstop v Prirodoslovni muzej Slovenije
Muzejska 1, Ljubljana
openday exhibition

Ob Mednarodnem dnevu muzejev in Dnevu očarljivih rastlin obiskovalcem muzeja omogočamo prost vstop. Poleg stalne razstave je na ogled občasna razstava Naše malo veliko morje. Obiskovalcem nudimo tudi 20 % popust na publikacije na blagajni muzeja.


Free admission to the museum on the International Museums Day and Fascination of Plants Day. In addition to the permanent exhibition, the visitors can also see the temporary exhibition Our little big sea. There is a 20% discount on the museum publications.

Prirodoslovni muzej Slovenije
Slovenian Museum of Natural History
May 18
May 18
Free admission to the Alpine Botanical Garden Juliana
Prost vstop v Alpski botanični vrt Juliana v Trenti
Trenta, zaselek Pri cerkvi

Na dan očarljivih rastlin vsem obiskovalcem Juliane omogočamo prost vstop. Vrt od leta 1962 neprekinjeno upravlja Prirodoslovni muzej Slovenije. V njem uspeva okoli 600 vrst alpskih, predalpskih in kraških rastlin.


There is free admission to the Alpinum Juliana on the Fascination of Plants Day. The garden is managed by the Slovenian Museum of Natural History since 1962. The garden embraces about 600 plant species characteristic of the Alps, their fore-mountains and the Karst.

Prirodoslovni muzej Slovenije
Slovenian Museum of Natural History
May 18
May 18
Fascination of Plants Day culinary stroll
Kulinarični sprehod ob dnevu očarljivih rastlin
Trubarjeva domačija na Rašici

9.00-9.30 zbiranje pohodnikov na Trubarjevi domačiji

  • brezplačni ogled Trubarjeve domačije ob mednarodnem muzejskem dnevu
  • predstavitev info-točke Mišje doline-Natura 2000  – pod kozolcem
  • predstavitev čezmejnega projekta Uživam tradicijo Interreg Slovenija-Hrvaška
  •  prevzem degustacijskih zapestnic in plačilo startnine (odrasli 10 EUR, otroci 5 EUR, predšolski otroci – brezplačno)

9:30-13:30 voden pohod v spremstvu lokalnih vodnikov:
Rašica – Skedenca nad Rajnturnom (Natura 2000) – Ponikve –  Rimska cesta Jerneja Pečnika – Male Lašče – Mišja dolina  (Natura 2000) – Rašica.
Dolžina poti:  8 km, manj zahtevna pot,
športna obutev (ob poti bodo 4 degustacijske točke, zadnja točka bo na Trubarjevi domačiji)


9.00-9.30 gathering at Trubar’s house (Trubarjeva domačija)

  • Free tour of the Trubar’s house at the international museum day
  • Presentation of the Mišja dolina-Natura 2000 info-point – under the hayrack
  • Presentation of the cross-border project Enjoying the tradition Interreg Slovenia-Croatia
  • Takeover of tasting bracelets and payment of starting fees (adults 10 EUR, children 5 EUR, preschool children – free)

9:30-13:30 guided hike accompanied by local guides:
Rašica – Skedenca nad Rajnturnom (Natura 2000) – Ponikve –  Rimska cesta Jerneja Pečnika – Male Lašče – Mišja dolina  (Natura 2000) – Rašica.
Length of the hike:  8 km, less challenging route,
sports footwear (along the way there will be 4 tasting points, the last point will be at the Trubar’s house)

May 18
May 18
Let’s go smell flowers
Gremo duhat rožice
Muzejska 1, Ljubljana

Otroci bodo na delavnici spoznali nekaj najpogostejših travniških cvetlic in izvedeli prenekatero uporabno zanimivost o njih. Z rožnimi vzorci bodo okrasili nakupovalne vrečke.

Otroci od 5 do 12 let, mlajši v spremstvu odraslega.


At the workshop children will learn some common meadow flowers and get to know several useful facts about them. With flower patterns they will decorate shopping bags.

Children from 5 to 12 years, younger accompanied by an adult.

Prirodoslovni muzej Slovenije
Slovenian Museum of Natural History
Vstopnina/admission fee: 5 EUR
May 18
May 18
Guided tour in Juliana
Vodenje po Juliani
Trenta, zaselek Pri cerkvi

Alpinum Juliana je bil ustanovljen leta 1926 in je zavarovan kot spomenik oblikovane narave. V vrtu uspeva okoli 600 vrst alpskih, predalpskih in kraških rastlin. Na vodenju bodo obiskovalci spoznali rastline, ki v vrtu cvetijo konec maja.


Alpinum Juliana was founded in 1926 and is protected as a nature monument. In the garden you can admire about 600 plant species characteristic of the Alps, their fore-mountains and the Karst. On the guided tour the visitors will get to know plants flowering in May.

Prirodoslovni muzej Slovenije
Slovenian Museum of Natural History