Der siebte internationale ” Tag der Faszination der Pflanzen ” 2024 (FoPD 2024) wird von Pflanzenwissenschaftlern aus aller Welt unter dem Dach der European Plant Science Organisation (EPSO) ausgerufen.
Ziel dieser Aktivität ist es, möglichst viele Menschen auf der ganzen Welt für Pflanzen zu interssieren und von der Bedeutung der Pflanzenwissenschaften für die Landwirtschaft und die nachhaltige Produktion nahrhafter Lebensmittel sowie für den Gartenbau, die Forstwirtschaft und die Herstellung von pflanzlichen Produkten wie Papier, Holz, Chemikalien, Energie und Pharmazeutika zu begeistern. Die Rolle der Pflanzen im Umweltschutz ist ebenfalls eine wichtige Botschaft.
Jeder ist herzlich eingeladen, sich dieser Initiative anzuschließen!
Plants are the silent architects of our world.
We want to share this fascination of plants and make it visible! The European Plant Science Organisation (EPSO) is initiating today’s international ‘Fascination of Plants Day’ (18 May 2024) for the 7th time. Plant scientists around the world are organising various events under this motto to inspire as many people as possible about plants and thus draw their attention to the importance of plant science for agriculture and the sustainable production of food.
Scientists at KWS live their fascination for plants every day. This fascination enables them to understand and optimise plants a little better every day. Through varieties with relevant characteristics such as improved drought tolerance and reduced need for pesticides, we create solutions and support agriculture in successfully facing the challenges of the coming years.
This year, we shared this enthusiasm with children and young people in particular at various events at the Einbeck site. Young people with a ‘fascination for plants’ are the scientists of tomorrow!
Jugend forscht – Schüler experimentieren:
KWS is a sponsoring company of the Lower Saxony state competition. The competition took place from April 11 to 13, 2024 at the PS.SPEICHER in Einbeck under the motto ‘Make up your mind’. 74 young talents presented their innovative research projects in seven specialist areas.
Future Day:
Pupils visited the KWS Future Day on April 25, 2024. A total of twelve stations provided exciting insights into the various professions related to seeds.
Children’s University Einbeck:
In the 2024 summer semester, participants will learn about the germination capacity of sugar beet seed and which fungi and insects can cause damage to sugar beet and maize.