
National Coordinators
Karen Sims-Huopaniemi
University of Helsinki, Viikki Plant Science Centre
Fascination of Plants Day

The seventh international “Fascination of Plants Day” around 18 May 2024 will be launched by plant scientists across the world under the umbrella of the European Plant Science Organisation (EPSO).

The goal of this activity is to get as many people as possible around the world fascinated by plants and enthused about the importance of plant science for agriculture and sustainable production of nutritious food, as well as for horticulture, forestry and the production of plant-based non-food products such as paper, timber, chemicals, energy and pharmaceuticals. The role of plants in environmental conservation is also a key message.

Events organized in 2024
May 18
Jun 18
Nature and art exhibition
Viikki arboretum, starting point at the Information boards near the Keinumäki bird tower
handsonactivities exhibition arts

Celebrating the 2024 global Fascination of Plants Day

Nature -Art exhibition open from 18th May – 18th June.

Explore the Viikki Arboretum, where QR codes lead you to discover exciting research conducted by researchers from the Viikki Plant Science Centre (ViPS) .

Collaborating with UniArts Helsinki, 22 research projects are complemented by an artwork that offers a unique perspective on plants and our connection to them.

Juhlistaaksemme vuoden 2024 maailmanlaajuinen Lumoudu kasveista teemapäivä
Luontotaidenäyttely avoinna 18.5.-18.6.
Tutustu Viikin arboretumiin, jossa QR-koodit johdattavat sinut tutustumaan Viikin kasvitiedeyhteisön (ViPS) kasvitieteilijöiden tekemiin jännittäviin tutkimuksiin. 
Yhteistyössä Uniartsin kanssa 22 tutkimusprojektia täydentävät taideteosta, joka tarjoaa ainutlaatuisen näkökulman kasveihin ja yhteyteemme niihin.
Viikki Plant Science Centre (ViPS)
University of Helsinki, Finland
Karen Sims-Huopaniemi