Czech Republic
The seventh international “Fascination of Plants Day” around 18 May 2024 will be launched by plant scientists across the world under the umbrella of the European Plant Science Organisation (EPSO).
The goal of this activity is to get as many people as possible around the world fascinated by plants and enthused about the importance of plant science for agriculture and sustainable production of nutritious food, as well as for horticulture, forestry and the production of plant-based non-food products such as paper, timber, chemicals, energy and pharmaceuticals. The role of plants in environmental conservation is also a key message.
Be the director, leading actor/actress, camerman & producer of your own movie and win one of our cash prizes!
The ERA- Net SusCrop is launching a video contest to actively involve EVERYBODY from across the world to reflect, communicate and inspire on ‘what sustainable crop production means to you?’.
The competition is open to EVERYBODY and is supposed to activate multiple groups: school children, students, scientists, farmers/farmer-groups, and any person/group of random enthusiasts, artists (film, circus, music, digital/installation art, …), architects, social media/communication workers, etc.
KEYWORDS to inspire: sustainability, resilience, agriculture, forestry, ecology, crop production, crops, plants, science, nature, climate change, the future
However, we invite any kind of video: be original, think out-of-the-box! What does sustainability in the area of crop production mean to you? How should agriculture look like in the future? Do you practice sustainability procedures in growing crops or ornamental plants in your environment (e.g. your garden or balcony)?
More information on the different categories, prizes, eligibility conditions and selection criteria can be found on:
We look forward to receiving your video!
46th year of the autumn garden fair for gardeners, cottagers, do-it-yourselfers
Exhibition of assortment of lilies and gladioli, consulting service
Presentation of Cyprus plants
Exhibition of gladioli and lilies, support centre
Nationwide sales exhibition for all gardeners
Pelargonium presentation and sale
Bádání v rostlinné říši, určené všem věkovým kategoriím a skupinám, které mají zájem v rámci zájmového, neformálního nebo celoživotního vzdělávání o bližší poznání rostlin prostřednictvím výstav, badatelské výuky, pracovních listů volnočasových aktivit, činností v zahradnictví skřítka Salátka.
Bonai presentation
Exhibition of flowers, demonstration of perennials suitable for adding rose beds, support.
National exhibition of daffodils and other bulbs, national exhibition of bonsai
63rd International Flower Exhibition and Horticultural Markets
The event is intended for adults and older children (from 14 years). We will show you how plants are grown on nutrient media. You will see our cultivation rooms. In addition, we have a gift for you in the form of a carnivorous plant on a nutrient medium, which you plant yourself.
Den fascinace rostlinami 2022 se v Lednici odehraje cestou promítání filmů o rostlinách a jejich tajemstvích, pozorováním rostlin pod mikroskopem a praktickým provedením drobných experimentů, které budou moci účastníci akce hodnotit i v domácím prostředí. Akce bude zaměřena na zajímavosti o rostlinách a jejich nezastupitelné místo v naší společnosti.
Rostliny dokážou věci, které lidem často připadají jako kouzla. Přijďte se podívat, jak dokážou třeba vyrobit z vody kyslík, zvednout těžké břemeno nebo dokonce tančit!
The interactive activity is intended primarily for elementary school students and high school students. Microscopy in a botanical classroom. Have you seen the structure of plants under a microscope? How do plants react to their surroundings and how do they grow? What substances does the plant body contain? Your participation must be booked, maximum capacity 25 seats.
This year's program will touch on the relationship between people, plants and fungi. What fascinates us about plants, what do they mean to us? We will try to find relevant answers to such questions as well. Colleagues from the UP Department of Botany and the Research Institute of Plant Research will participate in this year's program in a playful and instructive way.
On Wednesday, June 1, excursion to PP Roudnička and Datlík ( The meeting is at the bus stop No. 16 “Roudnička, U rybníka” at 9:00 (, expected return 15:00. On Thursday, June 2, an excursion to the Na Plachtě Nature Park ( The meeting is at the public transport stop No. 1, 2, 27 (Plachta – rybník) at 9:00 ( Expected return 15:00.
Součástí programu budou interaktivní a hravé expozice, týkající se rostlin, půdy i rostlinných patogenů a škůdců. Dále bude návštěvníkům umožněna exkurze do laboratoří molekulární genetiky rostlin a chovu čmeláka. Celý program bude doplněn o videa a komentované prohlídky. V programu bude zahrnuta i ochutnávka jídel z čeledi Fabaceae.
Floristic competition and exhibition
Introduction to wild species, ancient and modern varieties of peonies, the way they are bred and the emergence of new varieties. The collection of peonies is one of the most numerous in our country, it is part of the National Program of Genetic Resources
Projdeme se podél Komořanské stepní stráně a okolo biopásů na Vokrámy. Po cestě prozkoumáme plevelovou vegetaci a ověříme výskyt rostliny roku Adonis aestivalis. Zpět přes Dražovický nebo Letonický hájek na autobus. (bližší info na
The event will provide educational and elementary students in the form of economically important crops grown at our workplace (flax, hemp, peas, lentils, chickpeas, cumin, rape) - learning about seeds, germinating and flowering plants, working with plants in vitro.
Nationwide sales exhibition for all gardeners
Flower fair, counseling and sale of surpluses
International Horticultural Exhibition