Bosnia & Herzegovina

Bosna i Hercegovina
Šesti internacionalni „Dan fascinacije biljkama“ 2024 (FoPD 2024) bit će obilježen od strane naučnika širom svijeta pod pokroviteljstvom Europske organizacije za biljnu nauku (EPSO).
Cilj aktivnosti je uključiti što više ljudi širom svijeta koji su fascinirani biljkama i koji shvataju značaj nauke o biljkama za agrikulturu i održivu produkciju hrane, kao i hortikulturu, šumarstvo i produkciju na biljakama baziranih nehranjivih produkata kao što su papir, ogrev, hemikalije, energetski i farmaceutski produkti. Uloga biljaka u konzervaciji sredine je jedna od ključnih poruka.
Svi su dobrodošli da se priključe ovoj incijativi!

Be the director, leading actor/actress, camerman & producer of your own movie and win one of our cash prizes!
The ERA- Net SusCrop is launching a video contest to actively involve EVERYBODY from across the world to reflect, communicate and inspire on ‘what sustainable crop production means to you?’.
The competition is open to EVERYBODY and is supposed to activate multiple groups: school children, students, scientists, farmers/farmer-groups, and any person/group of random enthusiasts, artists (film, circus, music, digital/installation art, …), architects, social media/communication workers, etc.
KEYWORDS to inspire: sustainability, resilience, agriculture, forestry, ecology, crop production, crops, plants, science, nature, climate change, the future
However, we invite any kind of video: be original, think out-of-the-box! What does sustainability in the area of crop production mean to you? How should agriculture look like in the future? Do you practice sustainability procedures in growing crops or ornamental plants in your environment (e.g. your garden or balcony)?
More information on the different categories, prizes, eligibility conditions and selection criteria can be found on:
We look forward to receiving your video!

TeRRIFICA project has developed an innovative approach to science communication open to individuals and groups to take an active part and influence climate change institutional, governmental, and policy adaptations. In a system defined by RRI policy, SDGs, citizen science, and
climate adaptation and mitigation measures, TeRRIFICA operates in six European regions with very distinctive challenges.
A practical outcome of this co-creation process is locally focused but globally empowered climate actions, based on the collected and visually represented data. TeRRIFICA crowd-mapping tool demonstrates the actual geographical spread of climate changes by showcasing effects
that citizens encountered and marked on a daily basis.
The Center for the Promotion of Science (CPN) acts as a regional project hub and coordinator of activities across South-East Europe – from Croatia to Romania and from Albania to Hungary. Together with local partners belonging to diverse professional and social groups, the CPN has been organizing numerous project presentations, advocacy meetings, educational activities, etc, with the goal to define the common regional framework and foster future partnerships and joint actions. This workshop will also serve as a place to discuss possible joint activities and collaborative opportunities across South-East Europe.
The workshop is taking place at the Faculty of Sciences, University of Sarajevo, on May 19, 2022. It is intended for university students and researchers, as well as for the citizens, activists, and representatives of civil society organizations.