Bosnia & Herzegovina

Bosna i Hercegovina

National Coordinators
Erna Karalija
Department for Biology, Faculty of Science, University of Sarajevo

Šesti internacionalni „Dan fascinacije biljkama“ 2024 (FoPD 2024) bit će obilježen od strane naučnika širom svijeta pod pokroviteljstvom Europske organizacije za biljnu nauku (EPSO).

Cilj aktivnosti je uključiti što više ljudi širom svijeta koji su fascinirani biljkama i koji shvataju značaj nauke o biljkama za agrikulturu i održivu produkciju hrane, kao i hortikulturu, šumarstvo i produkciju na biljakama baziranih nehranjivih produkata kao što su papir, ogrev, hemikalije, energetski i farmaceutski produkti. Uloga biljaka u konzervaciji sredine je jedna od ključnih poruka.


Svi su dobrodošli da se priključe ovoj incijativi!

Bosna i Hercegovina
Events organized in 2019
May 26
May 26
We all need plants
Svi trebamo biljke
Mt Trebević, Sarajevo

We invite all interested researchers, young scientists, students and schoolchildren, volunteers, lovers of nature and plant life to join us in marking the Fascination of Plants day 2019 on Sunday, May 26, 2019, at 10: 00h, at Trebević, at the Level Up Hotel, and to get acquainted with plant life of our favourite excursion site together, to learn and share experiences, and discover the beauty of nature and contribute to the protection and preservation of plants. The last weekend of May is reserved for studying the world of plants of PA “Trebević”. Through field research of plant species and a specially designed workshop entitled “We all need plants” with a nice social gathering in nature with many experts from the field of biological sciences on plants, we will get to know the world of plants with a special focus on endemic and endangered plant species inhabiting PA “Trebević “, and to consider the possibilities of their conservation.

The Society for biological research and nature protection BIO.LOG
Ramiza Salčina 7, 71000 Sarajevo
Lejla Ramić
May 17
May 17
Be a scientist for a day
Budi naučnik jedan dan
Faculty of Science, University of Sarajevo. Zmaja od Bosne 35, 71000 Sarajevo

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openday handsonactivities

Faculty of Science, University of Sarajevo is organising open days in Department for Biology. Students and children will be invited to join us and be a scientist for a day. they will have an opportunity to participate in experiments analysing plant colours and testing how pH can change plant colours. Workshop regarding plant pollinators will be also organised where they can learn how plants are pollinated and see how pollinators look like. We will learn which plans to plant in our gardens to help bees.

University of Sarajevo, Faculty of Science
Zmaja od Bosne 33-35, 71000 Sarajevo
Erna Karalija
May 17
May 17
Plants with an appetite
Biljke sa apetitom
Faculty of Sciences, University of Sarajevo

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Association of Biology Students in Bosnia and Herzegovina in cooperation with Faculty of Science, University of Sarajevo is organizing a presentation in the Department of Biology. Students will be invited to join and attend our presentation about carnivorous plants where they will see the Venus flytrap and a representative of the genus Drosera. They will have the opportunity to explore and learn about these amazing plants, their eating habits and will have a chance to participate in the process of feeding them themselves.


Association of Biology Students in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Zmaja od Bosne 33-35, 71000 Sarajevo
Lejla Smailagić