
National Coordinators
Shahrokh Khanizadeh
ELM Consulting
Fascination of Plants Day

The Seventh international “Fascination of Plants Day” will be launched by plant scientists across the world under the umbrella of the European Plant Science Organisation (EPSO).


La septième journée internationale de célébration des plantes, intitulée “Fascination of Plants Day” 2024 (FoPD 2024), va être lancée par des scientifiques du monde entier sous l’égide de l’Organisation Européenne pour la Science Végétale (European Plant Science Organisation, EPSO).


The goal of this activity is to get as many people as possible around the world fascinated by plants and enthused about the importance of plant science for agriculture and sustainable production of nutritious food, as well as for horticulture, forestry and the production of plant-based non-food products such as paper, timber, chemicals, energy and pharmaceuticals. The role of plants in environmental conservation is also a key message.


Everybody is welcome to join this initiative!



Le but de cette manifestation est de faire en sorte que le plus grand nombre de personnes autour du globe soient fascinées par les plantes et conscientes de l’importance des sciences végétales pour l’agriculture et la production durable de nourriture, ainsi que pour l’horticulture, la foresterie et des productions non alimentaires à base de plantes, telles que le papier, le bois de construction, l’énergie et des molécules utiles à l’industrie chimique et pharmaceutique. Le rôle des plantes dans la conservation de l’environnement est également un message clé.

Events organized in 2018
Mar 01
Mar 01
McGill University’s Plant Science Department is Fascinated with Plants!
Barbados Interdisciplinary Tropical Studies, Barbados, West Indies:
Barbados, West Indies

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McGill University’s Plant Science Department is Fascinated with Plants!

Barbados Interdisciplinary Tropical Studies, Barbados, West Indies:

The Barbados Interdisciplinary Tropical Studies Program (BITS) is one of several McGill field study programs. The BITS program takes place during the summer in Barbados (Application for Summer 2018). Since inception (summer 2009) more than 150 students from McGill and the University of the West Indies (UWI) have participated in BITS courses and summer research projects.

For those of you who are fascinated with plants, Barbados is an outstanding place to study or to visit. Below you see the majestic flamboyant tree (Delonix regia) which is a spectacle to behold while in flower at the Brighton Farmers Market; Bougainvillea glabra come in a wide range of beautiful colours, this peach one is stunning; Mussaenda erythrophylla ‘Ashanti Blood’ is found in Flower Forest and can be confused with poinsettia; Anthurium spp. are many and varied, this is a small, very delicate purple one.

Barbados has some of the most beautiful gardens, nurseries, and golf courses in the world. BITS students are taken to many of these. We visit Andromeda Gardens, Flower Forest, Hunte’s Garden, Welchman Hall Gulley, and Durants Golf Course. There are many other sites with lovely trees and gardens, including the grounds of our bilateral partners (UWI and the National Conservation Commission) and lovely parks, including Queen Elizabeth Park, home to one of the largest trees on the island, an amazing baobab tree (Adansonia digitata). BITS students get a taste of studying and doing research in the tropics, develop close friendships and networking contacts for the future, learn leadership, and many technical skills. The projects are many and varied – some are on plants but others have been on invasive species, animal rearing, agribusiness, agritourism, aquaponics, Sargassum, lion fish, solar collectors, and others too numerous to mention. Participants report being inspired and motivated towards future research pursuits. Many go on to study at the graduate level and most intend to work internationally in the future.  Internship projects for both mobile and non-mobile students are available in Barbados all year ‘round. More will be added to this list as they come available. For questions on the BITS program please contact McGill Advisor or BITS Director

Contact: Danielle Donnelly, Dr. Danielle J. Donnelly

Associate Professor, Plant Science Dept.

McGill Director, BITS Summer Program, Barbados

McGill University
Faculty of Science Dawson Hall 853 Sherbrooke Street West Montreal, Quebec H3A 0G5
Danielle Donnelly