O sétimo “Dia Mundial do Fascínio das Plantas” 2024 (FoPD 2024) está a ser lançado por cientistas de plantas de todo o mundo sob a égide da European Plant Science Organisation (EPSO).
The seventh international “Fascination of Plants Day” around 18 May 2024 will be launched by plant scientists across the world under the umbrella of the European Plant Science Organisation (EPSO).
Pretende-se com esta iniciativa fazer com que o maior número possível de pessoas em todo o mundo desperte para o fascínio das plantas e para a importância do seu estudo na melhoria da agricultura e produção sustentável de alimentos, bem como para a horticultura, silvicultura e produção de bens não-alimentares, como papel, madeira, químicos, fármacos e energia. O papel determinante das plantas na conservação do meio ambiente será igualmente objeto de destaque.
Todos são bem vindos a participar desta iniciativa!
The goal of this activity is to get as many people as possible around the world fascinated by plants and enthused about the importance of plant science for agriculture and sustainable production of nutritious food, as well as for horticulture, forestry and the production of plant-based non-food products such as paper, timber, chemicals, energy and pharmaceuticals. The role of plants in environmental conservation is also a key message.
Everybody is welcome to join this initiative!
Be the director, leading actor/actress, camerman & producer of your own movie and win one of our cash prizes!
The ERA- Net SusCrop is launching a video contest to actively involve EVERYBODY from across the world to reflect, communicate and inspire on ‘what sustainable crop production means to you?’.
The competition is open to EVERYBODY and is supposed to activate multiple groups: school children, students, scientists, farmers/farmer-groups, and any person/group of random enthusiasts, artists (film, circus, music, digital/installation art, …), architects, social media/communication workers, etc.
KEYWORDS to inspire: sustainability, resilience, agriculture, forestry, ecology, crop production, crops, plants, science, nature, climate change, the future
However, we invite any kind of video: be original, think out-of-the-box! What does sustainability in the area of crop production mean to you? How should agriculture look like in the future? Do you practice sustainability procedures in growing crops or ornamental plants in your environment (e.g. your garden or balcony)?
More information on the different categories, prizes, eligibility conditions and selection criteria can be found on:
We look forward to receiving your video!
O dia internacional do Fascínio das Plantas, foi instituído pela EPSO – European Plant Science Organization em 2012, para celebrar a vida magnifica da plantas, bem como a importância destes seres para a vida no planeta terra. Em Angola, embora a data já tenha sido celebrada de alguma forma, foi o Departamento de Ciências da Natureza do ISCED-Huíla que pela primeira vez, organizou e inscreveu o evento no site da organização, sedeado em Bruxelas, Bélgica. Este ano o evento decorrerá sob o tema – Paisagismo e Conservação do Ambiente, contará com vários eventos em formato de conferência e actividades ao ar livre, como: jardinagem, plantação de árvores e também visitas guiadas.
The Event will take place in the future facilities of the Botanical Garden of the University Campus of Universidade Agostinho Neto, with a focus on the Plantation of 10 Seedlings of Adansonia digitata L, 10 Sterculia quinqueloba Garcke, 8 Euphorbia conspicua NEBR e 8 Moringa oleifera Lam
The choice of these plants is based on their Botanical, Ecological, cultural and medicinal value. They are species of easy cultivation, do not require special treatment, are native to the place and are fast growing. They provide shade, food fruit and form part of the ornamentation of the area reserved for the future facilities of the Botanical Garden of the University Campus.